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NZB handling
Posting of spots
Listed spotters
Language to use in Spotweb
Items per page?
Standard searchorder?
Latest first
Formatting of dates
Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 23:07:35
23:07:35, Fri Mar 28, 2025
Template for non-mobile devices
Template for mobiles
Template for tablets
Count new spots in filter list
Show subcats on mouseover in spots list
Track what you're watching
Automatic mark spots as read after each visit?
Should we keep track of the downloads that are done?
Shall we keep track of a watchlist?
Show filesize in spotoverview?
Show number of spamreports in spotoverview?
Minimum number of spamreports before showing spamreports icon?
Show NZB button to download file with this browser?
Show a checkbox next to each spot for multiplex NZB file download?
Hide erotic spots in index?
What NZB searchengine shall we use?
Show avatars in the comments?
Avatar image to use in posting of comments (maximum 4000 bytes)
What shall we do with NZB files?
No intergration with download client
Call SABnzbd throught HTTP by SpotWeb
Run SABnzbd through users' browser
Save to file op disk
Save file to disk and run a command
Call NZBGet through HTTP by SpotWeb
Call NZBVortex through HTTP by SpotWeb
What shall we do with multiple NZB files?
Merge NZB files
Compress NZB files to 1 zip-file
Where shall we store the file?
What programm should be executed?
URL to SABnzbd (HTTP, path and portnumber where SABnzbd is installed)?
API key for SABnzbd?
Username for sabnzbd? (used for HTTP authentication, usually best be left empty)
Password for sabnzbd?
Hostname of nzbget?
Use SSL?
Portnumber of nzbget?
Username for nzbget?
Password for nzbget?
Hostname of NZBVortex?
Portnumber of NZBVortex?
API-Key for NZBVortex?
Send e-mail to ?
Send message when a spot is added or deleted from the watchlist?
Send message when a NZB file is send? Doesn't work for client-SABnzbd.
Send message when updating spots is finish?
Send message when Spam Reports has been send?
Send message when posting a spot has finished?
Send message when a user has been added?
Send message when an enabled filter has new spots available?
Use Growl?
Growl IP-address?
Growl password?
Send message when a spot is added or deleted from the watchlist?
Send message when a NZB file is send? Doesn't work for client-SABnzbd.
Send message when updating spots is finish?
Send message when Spam Reports has been send?
Send message when posting a spot has finished?
Send message when a user has been added?
Send message when an enabled filter has new spots available?
Use Prowl?
API key
Send message when a spot is added or deleted from the watchlist?
Send message when a NZB file is send? Doesn't work for client-SABnzbd.
Send message when updating spots is finish?
Send message when Spam Reports has been send?
Send message when posting a spot has finished?
Send message when a user has been added?
Send message when an enabled filter has new spots available?
Use Twitter?
Click on "Ask permission". This opens a new page with a PIN number.
Attention: If nothing happens please check your pop-up blocker
Send message when a spot is added or deleted from the watchlist?
Send message when a NZB file is send? Doesn't work for client-SABnzbd.
Send message when updating spots is finish?
Send message when Spam Reports has been send?
Send message when posting a spot has finished?
Send message when a user has been added?
Send message when an enabled filter has new spots available?
Use custom CSS?
Add the following tag
Use the following standard body