<< 360 Final Fantasy XIII-2 Opponent Lightning & Amodar + Serahs Weapon Azrael DLC (RGH&JTAG)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Opponent Lightning & Amodar + Serahs Weapon Azrael DLC (RGH&JTAG)
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 19.68 MB
Website http://www.xbox.com
Sender RGHacked360 (JH7HA)            
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Post Description

Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Opponent Lightning & Amodar + Serahs Weapon Azrael [PAL] DLC

DLC Inhoud:

# 1 - Opponent Lightning & Amodar

Face Lightning and Lieutenant Amodar in the Coliseum! Use the crystals of defeated foes to summon them as allies in battle. The Coliseum appears in the Historia Crux (available from Chapter 2 onwards). To access this content, enter the Historia Crux and select "Coliseum -??? AF-".

# 2 - Serahs Weapon Azrael

A new weapon for Serah. Named after the angel of souls, and said to hold the power to alter fate. Increases chain bonuses. Obtainable from Chocolina's Shop. Improved versions of this weapon will also be available.

Purchased and downloaded from XBL
Unlocked and ready for your JTAG, or RGH Box
Price: 320 MSP

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