<< WIN Lynda.com - Budgeting Video Projects
Lynda.com - Budgeting Video Projects
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 947.77 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/course-tutorials/Budgeting-Video-Projects/96667-2.html
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Post Description

Join Rich Harrington as he explores the world of budgeting by laying out the nuts and bolts of budgets and proposals for video projects. While defining the tools to develop professional budgets, quotes, and proposals, the course also shows video producers and managers how to transform a budget into an invoice. At the end of the course, the author creates a well-versed budget, proposal, and invoice for the sample project, which can serve as templates for future projects.
Topics include:

Evaluating outsourcing and partnering options
Setting rates for services
Incorporating material costs
Determining the scope of the project
Estimating production time for the budget
Creating a quote or proposal
Setting payment terms
Creating an invoice with Word or Pages
Performing billing and collections

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