<< WIN VTC.com - QuickStart! - Adobe Media Encoder CS6 Course
VTC.com - QuickStart! - Adobe Media Encoder CS6 Course
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 297.54 MB
Website http://www.vtc.com/products/QuickStart!-Adobe-Media-Encoder-CS6-Tutorials.htm
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This VTC QuickStart! course introduces you to Adobe's recently released Media Encoder CS6 which integrates into their creative suite alongside Premiere Pro, After Effects, Encore, and Prelude. During this course, you will not only get a background in the fundamentals of encoding and compression terminology, you will also see examples of how using Media Encoder allows you to encode individual movie files to both single and multiple formats. Author Mark Struthers will also demonstrate how to use Media Encoder to manually and automatically encode movie files with frame rates, bit depths, and other specific user adaptable functions.

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