<< WIN Youda Fisherman
Youda Fisherman
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 88.06 MB
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Youda Fisherman

Dit Dash-spel is in 11 talen instelbaar waaronder het Nederlands.

Helaas kan ik geen goede Nederlandse omschrijving vinden van dit spel dus daarom de Engelstalige.

Are you ready to prove you are the worthy hero praised in adventure books? The stories of your fearless deeds have travelled around the world with lightning speed. You have become the hero for many hopeless strangers in need of help.

It was only a matter of time until some of them would come to you for help. Accept the adventurous offer from the Mad Scientist who couldn't prevent the destruction of his company. Help the stranger face the same fears you have once battled and work together in your latest quest for fame. Learn trading techniques, discover new markets around the world and become the ruler of the open seas.

Build a large fleet of ships and command them by managing your harbor's resources. Use the inventions of the Scientist to gain incredible powers and rebuild his company to grow a trading empire like no other. Travel around the world to test your skills and prove your versatility. Prepare your strategy to find the most efficient way to battle the many dangerous things lurking in the deep waters. Play this adventure and make sure the legend lives on!

* Meer dan 65 levels;
* Unieke Open Schip Sea Battles;
* Veel vijanden met unieke eigenschappen;
* Een hele vloot van schepen;
* Een unieke trading monteur;
* Een spannende mix van Tower Defense-en Time Management elementen;
* Wordt de heerser van de zee in dit leuke avontuur.

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