<< MAC Video2brain.com - iMovie for iOS
Video2brain.com - iMovie for iOS
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.56 GB
Website http://www.video2brain.com/en/courses/imovie-for-ios
Sender Sluwesjaak (UP617g)            
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Post Description

iMovie for the iPad is an incredibly easy-to-use movie editor, but you might be surprised what it's capable of. In this workshop, expert photographer Joseph Linaschke will steer you through the application and get you producing your first movie in no time. You’ll learn how to build incredibly fun and simple “movie trailer”-style videos, following pre-designed shot lists that guide you to shoot exactly what’s needed, as well as how to do more advanced, customized editing, mixing video, photos, music and even your own voice recordings into your final movie. This course was recorded on iMovie for iPad, but the same software runs on the iPhone or iPod Touch.

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