<< WIN Hunter Repacker Driver Genuis 12 00 1 2 11 32/64bit Unattended
Hunter Repacker Driver Genuis 12 00 1 2 11 32/64bit Unattended
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 18.66 MB
Website http://www.twitter.com/NLhunterNL
Sender Hunter1 (BT6rsw)                
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Post Description

Driver Genius improves PC performance with the powerful driver manager for Windows that backs up, restores, and updates your device drivers automatically with just a few clicks of your mouse. 
Driver Genius, updates the drivers of your system can't find on its own What's more, this powerful and easy driver management tool can analyze your system and recommend suitable drivers for your PC from a database containing over 80,000 plus different drivers.
The database contains drivers for the vast majority of hardware devices such as motherboards, video cards, sound cards, network cards, modems, monitors, mice, keyboards, digital cameras, video capture cards etc.

De installatie verloopt volledig automatisch, na de installatie beschik je over een volledige versie.

Plaatje is van google geplukt, betreft de engelse versie!



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