<< WIN Lynda.com - AutoCAD Essentials 2: Drawing Fundamentals
Lynda.com - AutoCAD Essentials 2: Drawing Fundamentals
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 306.27 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/AutoCAD-tutorials/AutoCAD-Essentials-Drawing-Fundamentals/96520-2.html
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AutoCAD Essentials is a multi-part series that takes a more modular approach to this massive program, used for everything from 2D and 3D CAD design, drafting, and modeling to architectural drawing and engineering projects. In this installment, author Jeff Bartels concentrates on the particulars of creating basic geometry in AutoCAD, including assigning imperial or metric units of measurement, using object snaps to control accuracy, and drawing and transforming basic lines and shapes. The last chapter in the course tests your newfound skills in a short project.
Topics include:

Constructing lines
Defining a unit of measure
Locking to geometry with object snaps
Drawing rectangles, circles, and polygons
Applying hatch patterns
Moving, copying, and rotating objects
Erasing elements
Undoing and redoing actions

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