<< DVD5 Verdi Opera - I Vespri Siciliani
Verdi Opera - I Vespri Siciliani
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LanguageEnglish subtitles (builtin)
Date 1 decade, 11 months
Size 8.29 GB
Website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCjfikAWufQ
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erdi Opera - I Vespri Siciliani
Met dank aan de originele spot van Gopher Hole.
De originelen zijn ingesloten.
Ondanks de grootte is dit echt een DVD5
General Information
Type.................: klassiekemuziek
Platform.............: DVD5

Preview: (zonder Engelse Ondertiteling)

Post Information
Posted by............: fryslan1944@gmail.com Bolsward
Posted to............: a.b.dvd.music.classical - a.b.music.classical

Release Notes
Verdi Opera - I Vespri Siciliani - (The Sicilian Vespers)

An Opera in 5 Acts plus Overture

Teatro alla Scala, Milan, Italy

Cheryl Studer, Giorgio Zancanaro, Chris Merritt, Ferruccio Furlanetto, Francesco
Veriano Luchetti, Wayne Eagling, Carla Fracci.

Riccardo Muti, Conductor

Pier Luigi Pizzi, Costumes/Costume Designer, Set Decoration/Design
Micha van Hoecke, Choreography

Sung in Italian, Credits in Italian, Vob Subtitles in English only.



Place: Palermo, Italy
Time: 1282

Act 1
Palermo's main square

Tebaldo, Roberto, and other French soldiers have gathered in front of the
Governor's palace. As they offer a toast to their homeland, they are observed by
the local Sicilians, unhappy with the occupation.

Elena enters dressed in mourning for her executed brother. Somewhat drunk,
Roberto demands that she sing and she calmly agrees.
Her song, about the perils of seamen and God's cry of "let dangers be scorned",
(Deh! tu calma, o Dio possente / "Viens à nous,
Dieu tutélaire" / "Pray, O mighty God, calm with thy smile both sky and sea"),
only incites the Sicilians to rebellion against the occupiers.
When the governor, Monteforte, enters the crowd calms down. Then Arrigo
announces that he has been released from prison.
Alone with Arrigo, Montforte offers him a position with the French as long as he
stays away from Elena. He refuses, and immediately follows Elena into the

Act 2
Beside the sea

Procida lands on the shore from a small fishing boat. It is clear that he is
returning from exile and he expresses his joy at returning to his native land
and city:
O tu Palermo / "Et toi, Palerme" / "O thou Palermo, adored land...".
He is surrounded by Manfredo and other companions and he quickly orders his men
to bring Elena and Arrigo to him (Nell'ombra e nel silenzio / "Dans l'ombre et
le silence"/ "In darkness and in silence").
The three make plans for an uprising during the impending festivities leading to
the marriages of a group of young people. After Procida leaves, Elena asks
Arrigo what reward he seeks.
Swearing that he will avenge her brother's death, he asks for nothing but her

Bethune arrives with an invitation from Monteforte to attend a ball. Arrigo
refuses and is arrested and dragged off.
Led by Roberto, a group of French soldiers arrive and Procida returns and sees
that it is too late to save Arrigo, since the young people have come into the
square and have begun to dance.
As the dance becomes more lively, Roberto signals to his men, who seize many of
the young women, dragging them off in spite of the protests of the young
Sicilian men.
The dejected young men witness a passing boat filled with French nobles and
Sicilian women, all bound for the ball. Procida and others determine to gain
entrance to the ball and seek their revenge.

Act 3
Scene 1: Montforte's palace

Montforte reads a paper from the woman whom he abducted, which reveals that
Arrigo is his son: Si, m'abboriva ed a ragion! / "Yes, she despised me, and
Bethune tells him that Arrigo has been brought by force, but Montforte exalts in
the fact that his son is close by:
In braccio alle dovizie / "Au sein de la puissance" / Given over to riches,
surrounded by honors, an immense, horrid void...".
The two men confront one another and Arrigo is somewhat puzzled by the way he is
being treated. Finally, Montforte reveals the letter written by Arrigo's mother.
Taken aback but still defiant, Arrigo insults his father who reacts in anger as
the younger man rushes out: Parole fatale, Insulto mortale / "Fatal word!,
Mortal insult! The joy has vanished...".

Scene 2: A ball at Montforte's palace

When Montforte enters, he gives the signal for the ballet to begin. In the
crowd, but disguised, are Elena, Arrigo, and Procida.
Arrigo is surprised when the two reveal themselves and they declare that their
purpose is to save the young man.
However, he is disturbed to hear that they intend to kill Montforte and when the
father approaches the son, there is a hint of warning given.
As approaching assassins close in, Arrigo leaps in front of his father just as
Elena approaches.
The Sicilians are horrified to see that Arrigo is being spared as the ensemble
contemplates the situation.
Elena, Procida, Danieli and the Sicilians curse Arrigo as they are dragged away,
while he wants to follow, but is restrained by Montforte.

Act 4
A prison

Arrigo arrives at the prison gate and, on Montforte's orders, waits to be
admitted. He contemplates the situation that his friends are in:
Giorno di pianto / "O jour de peine"/ Day of weepeing, of fierce sorrow!".
Elena is brought out and confronts him. Finally, he admits that Montforte is his
father and she begins to be willing to sympathise:
Arrigo! Ah, parli a un core... / "Arrigo! Ah, you speak to a heart already
prepared to forgive." Not seeing Arrigo, Procida approaches Elena and reveals a
letter telling him of awaiting freedom.
But Montforte arrives and orders a priest and the execution of the prisoners
while Procida is amazed to discover the truth of Arrigo's situation.
Arrigo begs for mercy for his friends and Montforte confronts him with one
thing: Dimme sol, di "Mio padre / "Say to me only, say "My father...".
Arrigo says nothing as the executioner appears and the couple are led away,
followed by Arrigo. Montforte steps in to prevent him from joining them.
As Elena is led towards the executioner, Monteforte steps in and announces a
pardon for the Sicilians. Furthermore, he agrees to the marriage of Elena and
Arrigo and announces to the crowd:
"I find a son again!". There is general rejoicing.

Act 5
The gardens of Montforte's palace

As Knight and maidens gather, Elena gives thanks to all: Mercé, dilette amiche /
"Merci, jeunes amies" /"Thank you, beloved friends". Arrigo arrives, exclaiming
his joy:
La brezza aleggia intorno / "La brise souffle au loin" / "The breeze hovers
He leaves to find his father, but Procida arrives, announcing a plan to outwit
his enemies with their massacre to take place at the foot of the alter after the
vows have been said.
She is torn, the more so following Arrigo's return, between her love and her
duty: Sorte fata! Oh, fier cimento! / "Fatal destiny!
Oh, fierce conflict!". Finally, she can go no further and she tells Arrigo that
they cannot be married.
Both men are furious with her for her seeming betrayal. Then Montforte arrives,
takes the couple's hands, joins them together, and pronounces them married as
the bells begin to ring.
This is the signal for the Sicilians to rush in and hurl themselves upon
Montforte and the French.

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