<< 360 Carnage Manager v0 3 (RGH&JTAG)
Carnage Manager v0 3 (RGH&JTAG)
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 11.07 MB
Website http://www.google.nl
Sender RGHacked360 (JH7HA)            
Tag XBLACollections360        
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Carnage Manager by HungryBob


File system manager for Xbox 360 Homebrew console (XEX executable).

On 360 press BACK button for brief controls help.



* all standard file/directory operations copy/delete/mkdir

* multitasking - can do something while files copying...

* background tasks cancelable

* unpacking of RAR archives - UNRAR library version 3.9.10 ported to 360.

* classic double panel user interface



although i tested it for many bugs, currently i consider it to be beta.

there may be places where operations may go wrong, thus list of what not to do...

* don't try to copy files over themselves, to same directory or child directory,

may freeze or crash.

* unpack files only to empty directory, if UNRAR encounters same existing file in

target directory, it will freeze forever. this is because unrar will try to ask if

need to skip, cancel, replace, etc. existing file using STDIN functions, which are

stripped from this UNRAR port. use delete operation to wipe files

from target dir first.

* any wide character support from official UNRAR library was stripped down

(meaning no unicode support). you will most likely end up with corrupted

file names when try to unpack such archives. however, since 360's HDD

and DVD filesystems allows only multibyte characters in file names,

it should be OK to extract DVD backups or other files archivized from

that places.

* usb keyboard not supported (well, only in dashboard popup boxes)

* if eject dvd tray, automatically exits to dashboard

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