<< WIN Lynda - Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 8
Lynda - Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 8
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 6 months
Size 100.69 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/Windows-tutorials/Migrating-from-Windows-XP-Windows-8/122451-2.html?srchtrk=index:1%0Alinktypeid:2%0Aq:windows%0Apage:1%0As:relevance%0Asa:true%0Aproducttypeid:2
Sender Rudi (oVguQ)                
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Post Description

0. Introduction 1. Welcome
0. Introduction 2. System requirements
0. Introduction 3. Determining the best migration path
1. Pre-Installation Tasks 1. Backing up your files
1. Pre-Installation Tasks 2. Using Easy Transfer
2. Installing Windows 8 1. Upgrading with the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant
2. Installing Windows 8 2. Preparing to install Windows 8 on a new partition
2. Installing Windows 8 3. Finding your old XP files stored by Windows 8
3. Post-Installation Tasks 1. Restoring your files and settings with Easy Transfer
3. Post-Installation Tasks 2. Analyzing Easy Transfer results and reports
3. Post-Installation Tasks 3. Cleaning up temp files with Disk Cleanup
3. Post-Installation Tasks 4. Connecting hardware devices
3. Post-Installation Tasks 5. Final considerations to complete the migration
4. Conclusion 1. Next steps

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