<< 360 Kingdoms Of Amalur DLC Pack (RGH&JTAG)
Kingdoms Of Amalur DLC Pack (RGH&JTAG)
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 41.28 MB
Website http://www.xbox.com
Sender RGHacked360 (JH7HA)            
Tag XBLACollections360        
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Post Description

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning - Finesse Pack + Might Pack + Sorcery Pack DLC

DLC Inhoud:

#1 - Finesse Pack

Equip your hero with a unique selection of Finesse-enhancing gear. This pack includes the unique armor set "Imminent Armor", a unique shield, and three unique weapons to boost your critical attack damage, evasion, and stealth skills.

#2 - Sorcery Pack

Equip your hero with a unique selection of Sorcery-enhancing gear. Includes the unique armor set "Pensive Robes", a unique talisman, and three unique weapons to boost your magic attack damage, magic resistance, and mana regeneration skills.

#3 - Might Pack

Equip your hero with a unique selection of Might-enhancing gear. Includes the unique armor set "Vigilant Mail", a unique shield, and three unique weapons to boost your damage resistance, health, and attack damage

Purchased and downloaded from XBL
Unlocked and ready for your JTAG, or RGH Box
Price: 720 MSP

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