<< x264HD Time Team 2012 - 10 How to lose a castle
Time Team 2012 - 10 How to lose a castle
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.37 GB
Website http://www.timeteam.k1z.com/
Sender IuliusCaesar (ze0Lw)            
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For generations a family of Somerset farmers have been wondering if there was ever actually a castle on top of the hill they call Castle Hill.

Records show there was a Norman castle in the area, but they are not clear about exactly where and there are several likely locations.

The only answer is for Tony and the Team to dig - once all the kit has been hauled up the steep slopes.

The geophysics looks exciting, throwing up almost immediately what looks like the outline of a perfect castle keep. But as the three days progress everything is far from clear.

Finally the pieces of the jigsaw do join up, but only in a very unexpected way. Do the farmers have their castle? Well... while the Team give with one hand they take away with the other!

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