<< XBX Baldurs gate dark alliance
Baldurs gate dark alliance
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 3.29 GB
Website http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/bg/
Sender Morpilin (zHx3BQ)                
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Baldurs gate dark alliance

RPG/RPG Action

The port city of Baldur's Gate has been besieged with evil. Town folk are afraid to leave their houses, members of the city watch have been found dead and rumors of a thieves' guild war is all the talk in the taverns. Down on your luck, you seek out to find fame and fortune. Tales abound of how fortunes are made in the city of Baldur's Gate. You set off with little more than a sword and some gold coins in hopes to remedy your situation, completely unaware of the evil growing there.
As you enter the city gates, you soon find that evil is ready and willing to present itself. You hear footsteps behind you and suddenly everything goes black. This is how your adventure begins.

Met dank aan de orginele posters.

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