<< WIN Lynda.com - Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Intermediate
Lynda.com - Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Intermediate
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 2.78 GB
Website http://www.lynda.com/Photoshop-tutorials/Photoshop-CS6-One-One-Intermediate/105384-2.html
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Post Description

In this course, industry pro Deke McClelland teaches you how to build on your basic knowledge and achieve next-level effects in the premiere image-editing program from Adobe, Photoshop CS6. Discover how to seamlessly move and patch areas of a photo with the Content-Aware toolset; stretch the brightness of a scene with automatic and custom Levels adjustments; create intricate designs with text and shapes; and morph an image with layer effects and transformations. Deke also shares his techniques for sharpening details, whether addressing noise and highlight/shadow clipping or camera shake, and converting a full-color image to black-and-white. The final chapters show you how to best print and save images for the web, making sure all your hard work pays off in the final output.
Topics include:

Performing automatic retouch, scaling, and more with the Content-Aware tools
Editing the histogram
Customizing a Levels adjustment
Making channel-by-channel Levels adjustments
Sharpening with the Smart Sharpen, Emboss, and High Pass filters
Working with vector-based type
Kerning and tracking characters
Creating text on a path
Drawing and customizing shapes
Creating depth, contour, and texture with layer effects
Liquifying an image
Simulating an infrared photo
Adjusting print position, size, and color
Creating the perfect JPEG image
Downsampling for the web

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