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Yû yû hakusho
The story revolves around a juvenile delinquent, Yuusuke Urameshi, who, in the first minutes of the anime, DIES saving a child from a traffic accident. Wandering around as a spirit, confused as hell, he meets Botan, a ferry-girl who guides spirits to the Reikai (spirit realm) after death. She informs him that his death was totally unpredicted and unexpected, a mistake, so is given a second chance at life by Enma Daiou (Lord of the Dead), by undergoing a series of challenges and tasks, thus becoming a Reikai Tantei (Spirit Detective). One of Yuusuke's first tasks is to recover 3 treasures stolen from the Reikai. Two of the thieves, Kurama and Hiei, are later 'punished' by having to also to do services for the Reikai and become spirit detectives, but of course later they become best friends.
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