<< WIN Lynda React Replacing Legacy Projects-XQZT
Lynda React Replacing Legacy Projects-XQZT
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Category Applications
Date 7 years, 1 month
Size 274.91 MB
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Lynda+React+Replacing+Legacy+Projects-XQZT
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)            
Tag PingPong        
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Post Description

While it's lots of fun to create new applications from scratch
using the latest and greatest technologies, porting old
applications to new approaches requires stepping back a bit.
Updating to a modern framework means reconsidering many other
connected decisions. In this project-based course, Emmanuel Henri
helps you tackle the conversion process with confidence by
demonstrating how to upgrade legacy apps or websites to React. To
illustrate the different steps in this workflow, Emmanuel takes you
through the conversion of a Vanilla JS project into a React app. He
covers the tools you'll need to build a React app, and shows how to
dissect an old webpage into components, set up the state with
static data, add an external backend with Firebase, add
navigation and routing, and ensure that you're following best


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