<< WIN Roads of Rome 3
Roads of Rome 3
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 102.88 MB
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Roads of Rome 3 

Engelstalige Dash-Game

The Roman Empire prospers, everything is quiet and peaceful. Julia and Victorius are absolutely happy waiting for birth of a child, it seems that nothing threatens the glory of the great kingdom. But the bearer of bad news arrives, Barbarians are destroying Roman provinces. No one but Victorius and his army can resist the enemy, keep Rome against barbarians. There is nothing for it but fight the enemy and Victorius sets off. His mission is difficult and dangerous: the inhabitants need to be protected, the provinces and roads need to be restored. Be brave and the good luck won't leave you, clear up your way and build roads, help Romans to get their prosperity and peace back. You will succeed for sure!

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