<< DivX Time Team Special 57 - Rediscovering Ancient Britain
Time Team Special 57 - Rediscovering Ancient Britain
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Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 801.4 MB
Website http://www.timeteam.k1z.com/
Sender IuliusCaesar (ze0Lw)            
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For thousands of years, nomadic tribes roamed freely across Britain. But by 5000 BC they were starting to settle down. One group made their home on a famous landmark in the southwest: the Dorset Ridgeway. Some archaeologists believe the Ridgeway with evidence of 1000 ancient monuments is as important as Stonehenge in understanding the lives of our prehistoric ancestors. The Dorset Ridgeway is today one of the most popular walks in Britain. But few ramblers realise they're walking on a spot where, for thousands of years, people made their homes. Tony Robinson, Phil Harding and Alex Langlands explore the Dorset Ridgeway and investigate how the discovery of  burial grounds, henges that showcased unexplained rituals and a town built on top of an Iron Age hill fort have made the area one of the richest archaeological sites in the country. The team also explains how recent scientific advances have helped shed light on Britain's prehistoric civilisations.

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