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Persona 4: the Animation
Persona 4: the Animation is a television anime series produced by AIC ASTA and directed by Seiji Kishi, based on the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 video game by Atlus. The story revolves around the protagonist, Yu Narukami, a young teenager who moves to the town of Inaba where there is a murder case. In Inaba, he and his friends discover a distorted TV World where they acquire a mysterious power called "Persona" and decide to use it on their journey to uncover the truth behind the murders.
1. "You're myself, I'm yourself"
2. "The Contractor's key"
3. "We are friends, aren't we?"
4. "Somewhere not here"
5. "Would you love me?"
6. "I'll beat you, and beat you good"
7. "Suspicious Tropical Paradise"
8. "We've lost something important again"
9. "No one sees the real me"
10. "Real Me Doesn't Exist"
11. "Catch Me If You Can"
12. "It's Not Empty At All"
13. "A Stormy Summer Vacation 1/2"
14. "A Stormy Summer Vacation 2/2"
15. "The Long-Awaited School Trip"
16. "Although the Case Was Closed"
17. "I Want to Know the Truth"
18. "Anniversary to Become a Family"
19. "It's School Festival Day! Time to Have Fun!"
20. "We'll all meet at the AMAGIYA Hotel"
22. "It's just like Heaven"
23. "In Order to Find the Truth"
24. "The World is Full of Shit"
25. "We Can Change The World"
Alle episodes zijn voorzien van ENGELSE ondertiteling. Je kunt ook kiezen tussen de Engelse & Japanse dialogen.
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