<< WIN Lynda.com - Google+ First Look
Lynda.com - Google+ First Look
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 62.76 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/Google-tutorials/First-Look/89052-2.html
Sender Sluwesjaak (1z0ZfQ)            
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Post Description

In Google+ First Look, social media expert Adam Metz takes a look at the evolving social network from Google, including how it interacts with other social media sites, and what it offers existing Google users. The course explains how to use central features like circles and hangouts, what's possible with the mobile app, and what you need to know about Google+ and privacy.
Topics include:

Setting up a profile
Connecting Google+ to Facebook and Twitter
Setting privacy levels
Using the Google+ Mobile App

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