<< MP3 Funkdoobiest Discography (1993-2009)
Funkdoobiest Discography (1993-2009)
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 3 KB
Website http://base64.derefer.me/?aHR0cDovL256YmluZGV4Lm5sL2Rvd25sb2FkLzkyMDAwNzM0L1Nub29wMDMwLXBvc3QtRnVua2Rvb2JpZXN0LURpc2NvZ3JhcGh5LTE5OTMtMjAwOS5uemI%3D
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Funkdoobiest Discography (1993-2009)

Funkdoobiest - Which Doobie U B? (1993)
Funkdoobiest - Brothas Doobie (1995)
Funkdoobiest - The Troubleshooters (1997)
Funkdoobiest - The Golden B-Boys (2009)

Funkdoobiest - The Funkiest (2001)
Funkdoobiest - Remixes (2009)

Album Samplers:
Funkdoobiest - Brothas Doobie (Album Sampler) [1994-95]

Funkdoobiest - Wopbabalubop (CDS) [1993]
Funkdoobiest - The Funkiest (CDS) [1993]
Funkdoobiest - Freak Mode/The Funkiest (CDS) [1993]
Funkdoobiest - Bow Wow Wow (CDS) [1993]
Funkdoobiest - Dedicated (CDS) [1995]
Funkdoobiest - Rock On (CDS 1) [1995]
Funkdoobiest - Rock On (CDS 7) [1995]
Funkdoobiest - Rock On (VLS 12'') [1995]
Funkdoobiest - XXX Funk (CDS) [1995]
Funkdoobiest - Act It On (CDS) [1997]
Funkdoobiest - Papi Chulo (CDS) [1997]
Funkdoobiest - Papi Chulo (Remix CDS) [1997]

Son Doobie Albums:
Son Doobie - Funk Superhero (2003)
Son Doobie - Doobie Deluxe (2004)

Son Doobie Singles:
Son Doobie - Por Amor (VLS) [2002]

Totale grootte ca. 1.44 Gb

Leech,Unrar & Enjoy!!!
Greets,Snoop030 (Urbanking)

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