<< MP3 The Goats - Tricks Of The Shade (1992)
The Goats - Tricks Of The Shade (1992)
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 3 KB
Website http://base64.derefer.me/?aHR0cDovL256YmluZGV4Lm5sL2Rvd25sb2FkLzkxOTYzMjE5L1Nub29wMDMwLXBvc3QtVGhlLUdvYXRzLVRyaWNrcy1PZi1UaGUtU2hhZGUtMTk5Mi5uemI%3D
Sender Snoop030 (tFGamA)            
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Post Description

The Goats - Tricks Of The Shade (1992)

01. We Got Freaks
02. Typical American
03. Hangerhead Is Born
04. Whatcha Got Is Whatcha Gettin'
05. Columbus' Boat Ride
06. Ru Down Wit Da Goats
07. Cumin' In Ya Ear
08. Noriega's Coke Stand
09. Got Kinda Hi
10. Unodostressquattro
11. Georgie Bush Kids
12. Wrong Pot 2 Piss In
13. Hip-Hopola
14. Leonard Peltier In A Cage
15. ¿Do The Digs Dug?
16. Carnival Cops
17. TV Cops
18. Tattooed Lady
19. Tricks of The Shade
20. Not Not Bad
21. Rovie Wade, The Sword Swallower
22. Aaah D Yaaa
23. Drive.By Bumper Cars
24. Burn The Flag
25. Uncle Scam's Shooting Gallery

Leech,Unrar & Enjoy!!!
Greets,Snoop030 (Urbanking)

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