<< WIN Video2brain.com - Getting Started with ColdFusion 10
Video2brain.com - Getting Started with ColdFusion 10
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 905 MB
Website http://www.video2brain.com/en/courses/getting-started-with-coldfusion-10
Sender Sluwesjaak (ux7MYA)            
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In this course, expert web developer and trainer Candyce Mairs teaches you how to build a dynamic, database-driven website using ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion Builder. You'll learn how to set up a testing environment - including installing ColdFusion, ColdFusion Builder, and a database - and be introduced to the basics of dynamic websites. Then you'll work along with Candyce as she creates a complete database-driven ColdFusion website. Along the way you'll learn how to work with forms, scoped variables, queries, ColdFusion functions, and more, and get up to speed on ColdFusion 10 features such as function enhancements for queries, new forms of looping, and new attributes.

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