<< WIN Able2Extract Professional + OCR 9.0.8 by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2015
Able2Extract Professional + OCR 9.0.8 by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2015
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Category Applications
Date 9 years, 10 months
Size 68.95 MB
Website http://www.wicked4all.info
Sender DenSpike (atG0GQ)            
Tag WICKED4ALL        
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Post Description

Able2Extract Professional is a powerful PDF Converter tool that lets users convert their PDF data 
into formatted MS Excel spreadsheets, editable MS Word documents, forms, powerpoint
presentations, Publisher, Autocad (DWG, DXF), Open Office, image formats (jpeg, bmp, png, tiff,
etc.), HTML and more, PLUS the ability to convert text from scanned and image PDFs into Excel,
Word, PowerPoint, and more using leading edge conversion and OCR technology. PDF to Autocad
and XPS conversions are also included.

A2E Professional has its own proprietary PDF viewer that allows users to select exactly what they
want to convert. Our custom Excel conversion option lets users graphically designate how they want
their PDF data converted into excel and then save the template for future use. This ensures perfect
conversions into Excel.

A2E also converts XPS documents into Word, Excel, Powerpoint and more. XPS is microsoft's
PDF competitor available in Vista. A2E Professional allows users to better utilize data in certain
formats such as financial information and database reports. For example, users can select and
convert financial tables and other tabular data directly into Excel rather than inputting the data
manually, i.e. PDF to Excel, PDF to Text, HTML to Excel.

A2E Professional is a standalone Windows application that does not require Adobe Acrobat. Version
7.0 adds batch conversion of PDFs, PDF to Autocad (DWG and DXF formats) conversion.

Able2Extract Professional has PDF to Publisher conversion that allows users to convert their PDF
documents into formatted .pub files where they can be edited in the powerful publisher. This will be
especially valuable for users working with legacy publisher documents that were previously
unusable in PDF.

Veel plezier ermee!

Laat je PC tijdens installatie even met rust aub!

Unattended software altijd als Administrator uitvoeren.

De installer zoekt automatisch naar de juiste architectuur van je systeem de 32 of 64 bit

Installatie is volledig Unattended.

Tijdens installatie wordt het programma geactiveerd.

Geschikt voor 32 en 64 bit systemen.

Getest op W7 Enterprise 32 bit en W8.1.1 Pro 64 bit.

Den Spike

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