Post Description
Excel is a tremendously powerful tool for analyzing ██
marketing data and trends. Yet it's easy to be scared off ██
by its hundreds of different formulas and functions. Most ██
marketers are barely scratching the surface of what Excel ██
can really do. In this course, veteran marketer and Excel ██
power user Michael Taylor walks you through all the key ██
features that can speed up your work and help you make ██
smarter marketing decisions.á ██
Michael begins with the basics, showing how to work with ██
marketing data sources and explaining basic formulas for ██
analysis. Next, he walks through how to build a data-driven ██
marketing plan, including mapping out your marketing ██
funnel, reviewing volume vs. cost tradeoff, and running A/B ██
testing. Michael shows how to analyze a campaign's ██
performance, working with PivotTables, charts, and ██
dashboards. Finally, he demonstrates how to set up ██
marketing campaigns in bulk, including manipulating text ██
for ad copy generation and automating the most boring, ██
repetitive tasks with macros.á ██
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