<< WIN Lynda com Building Custom Tools to Extend the Unity IDE UPDATED COURSE-ELOHiM
Lynda com Building Custom Tools to Extend the Unity IDE UPDATED COURSE-ELOHiM
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Date 8 years, 1 month
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Post Description

RELEASE NAME....: Lynda.com.Building.Custom.Tools.to.Extend.the.Unity.IDE.UPDATED.COURSE-ELOHiM
RELEASE DATE....: 2016-10-08
RELEASE SIZE....: 9x50Mb
FORMAT..........: Bookware
LANGUAGE........: English
URL.............: http://www.lynda.com

Unity is a powerful IDE for 2D and 3D game development. But it's even
better when you extend it by building your own custom tools. Join Jesse
Freeman, as he explores extending the Unity IDE with custom inspectors,
editor windows, and other tools for speeding up game development. Learn
how to extend the existing inspector by exposing public fields, build
custom editor windows, save and load files to the project folder, and
more. Plus, learn how to style and skin your tools so they're easier to
use. Want to share your customizations with others? When you're done, you
can export the new tools to share with colleagues or sell in the Unity
Asset Store.

Topics include:
* Exposing variables to the Inspector
* Providing attributes to Inspector fields
* Extending the base editor
* Creating custom UI elements
* Modifying the layout of a custom editor
* Building a custom window
* Saving and loading data
* Creating a reorderable list
* Skinning custom inspectors
* Exporting assets as Unity packages

Subjects: Developer, Games, Unity
Author: Jesse Freeman
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 2h 11m
Released: 3/29/2016
Updated: 10/3/2016

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