<< WIN Tiny Token Empires
Tiny Token Empires
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 182.38 MB
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Tiny Token Empires

Match-3 game wat in 3 talen instelbaar is te weten Engels, Duits en Frans
Zelf begrijp ik niet veel van dit spel maar er is in de vorm van .pdf bestanden een soort van walktrough meegeleverd waardoor jullie ongetwijfeld wel dit spel weten te spelen (LOL)
Helaas zijn deze pdf bestanden ook alleen maar in het Engels, Duits en Frans

Tiny Token Empires is an amazing mix-it's a puzzle game, Tiny Token Empires is an amazing mix-it's a puzzle game, match 3 game and turn based strategy game.
The player plays one of the five major ancient Empires: Rome, Greece, Egypt, Persia, or Carthage. By developing cities and armies, and annexing new territories, the player gradually expands his power over the world! But Tiny Token Empires is also a "casual" strategy game that doesn't take itself too seriously. It contains a crazy comical universe: goofball gods, super cute mythological monsters, clown and much more.

. 5 Nations, 5 heroes, 25 generals and 50 kinds of Units!
. 5 kinds of puzzles to get through battles, digs, events and more.
. 3 difficulty levels that offer a new challenge every time.

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