<< 360 Prototype 2 (2012) TRAINER (Free60)
Prototype 2 (2012) TRAINER (Free60)
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 639 KB
Website http://www.xbox.com
Sender RGHacked360 (K0l9g)            
Tag XBLACollections360        
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## [PROTOTYPE®2] Trainer [LITE DEV] ######################

How to use Tutorial::

1.)copy the xppdll.xex on the root of your 360 HDD (Hdd1:\) and edit your launch.ini file to include the following line:
[Plugins] plugin1 = Hdd:\xppdll.xex

2.) Open up [PROTOTYPE®2] Trainer RF [415608A7].txt (came with the .rar) do not rename the *.txt file or the Cheats will not work

3.) Enable and disable which cheats you want on and off by removing the "#" next to the line with the numbers (along the address).

#Cheat Name #
#0 82304993 63
^ This above means this cheat is disabled.

#Cheat Name #
0 82304993 63
^ This above means this cheat is enabled.

4.) Save once you are done your changes and FTP all 3 files (xppdll.xex, XX_Trainer_RIGHTSTICK.xex,
and [PROTOTYPE®2] Trainer RF [415608A7].txt) to where your Gamefolder is on your HDD (e.g Hdd:/Games/gamefolder)

5.) Using whichever method (file manager) and launch the XX_Trainer_RIGHTSTICK.xex

6.) Give it a couple seconds and game will load

7.) Now Press the right analog thumbstick, you will get a message/popup saying "Cheats Enabled"

8.) Enjoy

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