<< DivX Time Team 2012 - 07 The only Earl is Essex
Time Team 2012 - 07 The only Earl is Essex
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 399.6 MB
Website http://www.timeteam.k1z.com/
Sender IuliusCaesar (ze0Lw)            
Tag TimeTeam        
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Property magnate Paul Whight has two very expensive hobbies. He collects and drives classic racing cars, which he keeps in the grounds of his second obsession - his beautiful stately home and garden in Essex. 

Paul is so keen to know everything he can about the history of his home that he's rashly invited Tony Robinson and Time Team in to do their worst.

The site used to be owned by one of the nation's foremost families, the De Veres, who were better known as the Earls of Oxford.

In the twelfth century they founded a grand priory somewhere on this site, and centuries later they may well have built themselves a fine country house.

What's more, the most famous and dissolute Earl of Oxford - who some believe wrote Shakespeare's plays - might even be buried here.

The Team rip up Paul's pristine lawns and subject his house to merciless scrutiny, gradually conjuring up the ghosts of the De Vere family.

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