<< 360 Ninja Gaiden 3 (2012) TRAINER (Free60)
Ninja Gaiden 3 (2012) TRAINER (Free60)
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 17.19 MB
Website http://www.xbox.com
Sender RGHacked360 (K0l9g)            
Tag XBLACollections360        
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Ninja Gaiden 3 Trainer Update 1

The XPP trainer has one minor update on the Infinite Health.

Also added in the package is a patched default.xex that will do what the trainer
does. The thing with this patched default.xex though is that you can't select
an option in Ninja Cinema mode.

If you want to use the patched default.xex, just replaced the one inside your
Ninja Gaiden 3 game folder. No need for XPP/DashLaunch with this patched xex.
The codes are activated all the time with the patched xex.


Press both left stick & right stick to enable 2 cheats:
- Infinite Health
- Infinite Ki

Use just like any other xpp trainer. Keep in mind that this package contains a
modified xpp.dll. It adds some code types not available from before like:
0x21 - Copy 8 bits
0x22 - Copy 16 bits
0x23 - Copy 32 bits

This version of xpp.dll also allows for combining button activators like:
SetupCheats(0x4B5607D4, "game:\\4B5607D4.txt", XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB | XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB);

Haters gonna hate. Credits to everyone.

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