<< WIN Imscared - A Pixelated Nightmare
Imscared - A Pixelated Nightmare
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 5 months
Size 3.12 MB
Website http://gamejolt.com/games/other/imscared-a-pixelated-nightmare/10058/
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Barely a year old, Ivan Zanotti's Imscared - A Pixelated Nightmare has already picked up a huge cult following and will probably be going into the horror game history books (if there's ever such a thing). I'd tell you why, but that would be spoiling the surprise. This is where I perform a throat-cackingly evil laugh, I think.
Imscared is a first-person exploration game and it isn't pleasant at all. You wonder narrow corridors and small rooms, looking through a small viewbox with an uncomfortable field of view that makes everything you see feel like it's right up in your face. The graphics are, as the title says, very pixelated and dark, which means that nothing is immediately easy to make out. You start in a room with an Exit door demanding that you find a heart to go through it. Other than that, there doesn't seem as if there's another way out..

.unless, you find a key, fiddle with a bloodied wardrobe and open up a secret passageway. But going down there only awakens.it.

From there on, you'll be creeping around to a heavy ambiance that will likely have you on edge the whole time. Finding keys and opening doors will be a repeated action, so keep your eyes out, especially when you enter a larger room with a huge metal cage across it. The question when you get here will be "what's inside?" Go on; get a closer look. It's right near the back there.

What makes Imscared great, though, isn't the creeping around in a claustrophobic first-person view with sound design that makes you wary of just about everything you see and don't see. It's what happens outside of the game. That's what makes Imscared more of a haunting than other horror games. The thing that enjoys watching you in the game is the thing that will continue to watch you outside of it, sitting in your files and leaving you messages and pictures.

Imscared makes you regret playing it as it has you believe that you've awoken a beast that never leaves your computer. It's not after your character in the game; it's after you.

Mensen op de YouTubez hebben dit horror spel gespeeld en ik vond het op Gamejolt , dus ik denk ik deel het met jullie.

Bijvoorbeeld (Spoiler , als je dit niet wil zien , STOP MET LEZEN!!);
Na dat je een kamer in loop dat zegt "The end" , sluit het spel zich af.
Maar , na een tijdje , start het spel zich opnieuw op en zie je het "gezicht" rond dansen op je scherm , en word je in een andere kamer geplaatst , waar je weer sleutels moet vinden.

Ik heb het spel nog nooit aangeraakt en ik zal het ook nóóit doen , maar misschien voor de liefhebber is dit een geweldig spel.


Kijk ook anders even bij de Website die bij de link staat als je het niet vertrouwd (of mij niet vertrouwd , dit spel kan je ook GRATIS downloaden via Gamejolt.)

Geen gezeur van "Dit kan je ook gewoon gratis downloaden bij ...... . Ik spot gratis spellen omdat sommige gratis spellen niet erg bekend zijn maar wel leuk!!

Veel plezier ermee :)

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