<< WIN VMware Workstation 11.1.2 Build 2780323 Final by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2015
VMware Workstation 11.1.2 Build 2780323 Final by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2015
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Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 9 years, 8 months
Size 443.1 MB
Website http://www.wicked4all.info
Sender DenSpike (atG0GQ)            
Tag WICKED4ALL        
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The following issues were resolved in VMware Workstation 11.1.2.
• Two interface items on the Access Control screen used the same hot-key combination
In a virtual machine, on the Access Control screen, VM > Settings > Options > Access Control, the
Encrypt button and the Require the user to change the encryption password when this virtual
machine is moved or copied check box both used the same hot-key combination.
This issue is resolved. These two items now use different hot-key combinations.

• Attempting to suspend a Windows virtual machine with the Sensor Diagnostic Tool running caused
the virtual machine to become unresponsive
When you attempted to suspend a Windows virtual machine while the Sensor Diagnostic Tool was
running, the screen went black and provided no option to quit or power off the virtual machine.
This issue is resolved.

• Using audio conferencing software on a Windows 8 guest operating system caused a severe echo
during both video and audio calls
When you used audio conferencing software on a Windows 8 guest, participants using the built in
speaker, as opposed to headphones, received a severe echo during both video and audio calls.
This issue is resolved.

• On the Windows 95 guest operating system, the mouse cursor jumped
When you moved the mouse in a Windows 95 guest, the cursor sometimes jumped to the side.
This issue is resolved. The cursor moves smoothly in a Windows 95 guest now.

• Symbolic links created within a Windows guest operating system on a Linux host did not list files
under subdirectories
When you created a symbolic link, such as with the mklink command, from the local disk to a
shared folder in a Windows guest on a Linux host, files and subdirectories were not listed under the
shared folder.
This is resolved in this release, but requires a workaround. For the symbolic link to work
successfully, configure sharedFolderX.hostDefaultCase = "FALSE" in the .vmx file, where X is the
number of the shared folder that is used for the target of the symbolic link command you use.

• Workstation did not display Regions in the VMware vCloud Air Subscription node
This issue is resolved.

• Workstation could not automatically detect the Fedora 21 ISO when creating a new Fedora 21
virtual machine
You had to manually select the Fedora 21 guest operating system.
This issue is resolved.

•Under specific conditions, when the alipaybsm.exe file was installed on the Workstation host,
network service was disrupted
The alipaybsm.exe file is associated with the Alipay security control software developed by
Alipay.com. A network service disturbance could occur when this EXE file was installed on the
Workstation host.
This issue is resolved.

• After connecting to vCloud Air from Workstation, no virtual machines were listed in the Workstation
virtual machine library
After connecting to vCloud Air from Workstation, no virtual machines were listed in the Workstation
virtual machine library.
This issue is resolved.

• Using Easy Install for the Ubuntu 15.04 guest operating system with kernel 3.19.0-15-generic
prevented you from enabling folder sharing
When you used Easy Install to install the Ubuntu 15.04 guest with kernel 3.19.0-15-generic, Open
VMware Tools (open-vm-tools), which are installed automatically and do not include the Shared
Folder feature, prevented you from enabling folder sharing, even when you installed VMware Tools by
selecting VM > Reinstall VMware Tools.
This issue is resolved. Now, after you use Easy Install, you can install VMware Tools to enable folder

• Reverting to a snapshot failed following a specific set of steps
When you powered off a virtual machine, changed its virtual device node setting, and powered the
machine back on, an attempt to then revert to a snapshot failed.
This issue is resolved.

•A Windows 10 guest operating system running idly caused Workstation to crash
When you let a Windows 10 guest run idly for a couple of hours or more, Workstation sometimes
This issue is resolved.

•Using the Easy Install option to install the Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 15.04 guest operating system
failed to install VMware Tools
This issue is resolved.


Veel plezier ermee!

Laat je PC tijdens installatie even met rust aub!

Unattended software altijd als Administrator uitvoeren.

De installer zoekt automatisch naar de juiste architectuur van je systeem de 32 of 64 bit

Installatie is volledig Unattended.

Tijdens installatie wordt het programma geactiveerd.

Geschikt voor 32 en 64 bit systemen.

Getest op W7 Enterprise 32 bit en W8.1.1 Pro 64 bit.

Den Spike

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