<< WIN Lynda.com - Building Mobile Apps for Multiple Devices with Flash Professional
Lynda.com - Building Mobile Apps for Multiple Devices with Flash Professional
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 898.38 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/Flash-Professional-CS5-5-tutorials/Building-Mobile-Apps-for-Multiple-Devices-with-Flash-Professional/89049-2.html
Sender Sluwesjaak (1z0ZfQ)            
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Post Description

In this course, author Paul Trani demonstrates how to create, test, and publish a mobile app that works across multiple platforms (iOS, Android, and BlackBerry Tablet OS) and adapts to either a smartphone or tablet display. The course also tackles the issue of various screen sizes and density and how to scale and adjust content. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:

Designing for mobile
Modifying existing web content for mobile delivery
Using the accelerometer
Setting up a mobile project
How to test and debug
Optimizing graphics and ActionScript for mobile
Creating scalable content
Adjusting for orientation
Sharing and updating graphics across multiple projects
Publishing an app to the App Store and Android Market

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