<< WIN Lynda.com - Production Rendering Techniques in CINEMA 4D
Lynda.com - Production Rendering Techniques in CINEMA 4D
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 444.67 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/CINEMA-4D-tutorials/Production-Rendering-Techniques-CINEMA-4D/117889-2.html
Sender Sluwesjaak (ux7MYA)            
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Post Description

This course introduces the many advanced features of the CINEMA 4D rendering and lighting toolsets. Discover how to better simulate real-world surfaces, photography, and lighting scenarios. Author Donovan Keith shows how to add realistic shallow depth-of-field effects with the physical renderer, use blurry reflections to create a type treatment, and light scenes with HDRI photographs and global illumination. Plus, learn tricks for achieving similar effects under tight deadlines.
Topics include:

Modifying depth of field
Animating rack focus
Using blurry transparency to create frosted glass
Understanding global illumination
Setting up HDRI lighting
Optimizing render sampling settings
Preventing over-/underexposure with color mapping
Using negative lights to selectively darken parts of scenes

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