<< WIN Circus Pomche
Circus Pomche
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 98.82 MB
Website http://www.gamehouse.com/download-games/circus-pomche
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Circus Pomche

Engelstalige Puzzle Game

After constructing his very own pirate ship, Pomche has decided the explore the world from tip to tail! But unbeknown to him, the real world is full of tricky challenges that are going to bring him to the edge of breaking point!

There is only one way to escape, and that is to try and master a series of tricky 3D puzzles! It sounds simple, but these are no normal blocks as they all move in different ways! Circus Pomche is game of logic that will have you screaming "Blocks ahoy" is this wonderful test of skill and wisdom!

Circus Pomche full game features:
.Set sail and stumble across treacherous perils!
.Use logical patterns to move the blocks into the required shape!
.Uncover useful tips and secret tricks to help you along!
.Also included are 16 extra levels to challenge your family and friends!

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