<< MP3 Dinah Washington Collection (1954 - 2010)
Dinah Washington Collection (1954 - 2010)
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 7.82 GB
Website http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinah_Washington
Sender Snoop030 (tFGamA)            
Tag Snoop030        
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Dinah Washington - Collection, 33 albums & 4 box-sets (29.08.1924 - 14.12.1963)

Genre: Vocal Jazz / Soul
Releases: 1954 - 2010
Format: MP3
Quality: 320 kbps/VBR/192 kbps
Total playing time: 45 Hours 16 minutes 19 Seconds

1954 - Dinah Washington - After Hours With Miss D - 00:51:19[192]
1954 - Dinah Washington - Dinah Jams - 00:38:57[320]
1955 - Dinah Washington - For Those In Love - 00:48:59[320]
1956 - Dinah Washington - In The Land Of Hi-Fi - 00:31:08[320]
1958 - Dinah Washington - Newport '58 - 00:45:38[320]
1958 - Dinah Washington - Sings Bessie Smith - 00:55:17[320]
1959 - Dinah Washington - The Queen! (LP) - 00:34:04[320]
1959 - Dinah Washington - What a Difference a Day Makes - 00:41:37[320]
1960 - Dinah Washington and Brook Benton - Two Of Us - 00:48:19[320]
1961 - Dinah Washington - I Wanna Be Loved - 00:32:57[320]
1961 - Dinah Washington - September In The Rain - 00:32:13[320]
1962 - Dinah Washington - Dinah'62 (LP) - 00:32:43[320]
1963 - Dinah Washington - Back To The Blues (LP) - 00:40:43[320]
1987 - Dinah Washington - Compact Jazz - 00:56:15[320]
1988 - Dinah Washington - Sings the Blues (Compact Jazz) - 00:57:51[320]
1988 - Dinah Washington - The Fats Waller Songbook - 00:31:16[320]
1991 - Dinah Washington - Unforgettable - 00:47:04[320]
1993 - Dinah Washington - First Issue (The Dinah Washington Story, 2CD) - 02:38:03[VBR 135-245]
1993 - Dinah Washington - 'Round Midnight - 00:59:26[320]
1994 - Dinah Washington - Verve Jazz Masters 19 - 00:57:41[320]
1994 - Dinah Washington - Verve Jazz Masters 40 (Sings Stantards) - 01:06:50[VBR 171-222]
1995 - Dinah Washington - Blue Gardenia - 00:50:33[320]
1997 - Dinah Washington - Ultimate - 00:52:23[320]
1998 - Dinah Washington - Mad About the Boy - 01:02:33[320]
1998 - Dinah Washington - Sunnyside Of The Street - 00:43:13[320]
2000 - Dinah Washington - Destination Moon - 01:11:33[320]
2000 - Dinah Washington - The Swingin' Miss 'D' - 00:52:18[320]
2001 - Dinah Washington - Complete 1943-1951 Mercury Master Takes [Boxset] (4CD) - 04:37:24[320]
2001 - Dinah Washington - Mixed Emotions - 00:57:46[320]
2001 - Dinah Washington - Stairway To The Stars - 00:51:12[320]
2003 - Dinah Washington - Blues For A Day - 00:44:48[320]
2003 - Dinah Washington - The Diva Series - 00:54:53[320]
2004 - Dinah Washington - The Complete Roulette Dinah Washington Sessions [Boxset] (5CD) - 04:58:58[320]
2005 - Dinah Washington - Give Me Back My Tears (Quadromania 1943-1954,4CD) [Boxset]- 04:04:49[320]
2006 - Dinah Washington - Dinah Washington For Lovers - 00:43:47[320]
2006 - Dinah Washington - The Very Best of Dinah Washington (The Best of Roulette Albums ,3CD) [Boxset] - 03:36:58[320]
2010 - Dinah Washington - Standards - 00:22:11[320]

Dit is alles wat ik heb van Dinah Washington..Hopelijk hebben jullie er net zoveel plezier van als ik.
Het duurde even,maar 7,16 Gb (uitgepakt) is ook niet bepaald een klein bestandje. =)

Leech,Unrar & Enjoy!!!
Greets,Snoop030 (Urbanking)

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