<< WIN Men of War: Assault Squad (SKIDROW)
Men of War: Assault Squad (SKIDROW)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 1.29 GB
Website http://www.menofwargame.com/games/assaultsquad
Sender Sheeba (KrkXw)            
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Post Description

Release Date: 23-02-2011

Men of War: Assault Squad features a completely new cooperative
skirmish game mode with access to five different nations (Russia,
Germany, USA, Commonwealth and, for the first time ever in the Men of
War series, Japan) as well as increased realism and accessibility.

Players can get behind the controls of a tank to smash through
obstacles, crush soldiers under their tracks and fire high-explosive
shells at enemy emplacements, they can even take control of individual
soldiers as they fight. As in previous games in the series, Men of War:
Assault Squad includes the unique "direct control" feature which
enables players to be in command of any unit using the WASD controls,
rather than pointing and clicking.


1. Unpack release
2. Mount or burn the image
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4. Download "Men of War: Assault Squad Update 1.97.7 (RELOADED)" van 05-10-11 en speel met de laatste update!
5. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

Gepost door: Dagobert in alt.binaries.games

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