<< MP3 Wu-Tang Clan Discography (1993-2011) @ 320
Wu-Tang Clan Discography (1993-2011) @ 320
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Date 1 decade, 1 year
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Wu-Tang Clan Discography (1993-2011)

Studio Albums:
1993 - Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
1997 - Wu-Tang Forever
2000 - The W
2001 - Iron Flag
2007 - 8 Diagrams

Compilations & Projects:
1997 - Wu-Tang Forever
1998 - The Swarm
1999 - Wu-Chronicles
2001 - Wu-Chronicles, Chapter 2
2002 - The Sting
2003 - Wu-Tang Collective
2004 - Disciples of the 36 Chambers Chapter 1
2004 - Legend of The Wu-Tang: Wu-Tang Clan's Greatest Hits
2005 - Think Differently Music Wu-Tang Meets The Indie Culture
2007 - Lost Anthology
2007 - Unreleased (Mathematics Presents)
2008 - Soundtracks From the Shaolin Temple
2008 - Wu-The Story Of The Wu-Tang Clan
2009 - Playlist The Very Best Of Wu-Tang Clan
2009 - Chamber Music
2009 - Wu-Tang Meets the Indie Culture Vol. 2: Enter the Dubstep
2011 - Legendary Weapons
2011 - Wu-Tang & Jimi Hendrix - Black Gold

1994 - C.R.E.A.M
1994 - Can It Be All So Simple-Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta F' With
1997 - Reunited
1997 - Triumph
1998 - It's Yourz
2000 - Gravel Pit
2000 - Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off)

1993 - Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)

2008 - The Return Of The Swarm 5

Leech,Unrar & Enjoy!!!
Greets,Snoop030 (Urbanking)

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