<< WIN Celtic Lore
Celtic Lore
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 209.62 MB
Website http://www.zylom.com/us/en/download-games/celtic-lore-sidhe-hills-deluxe/?dsgid=8963
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Celtic Lore

Engelstalig Zoek en Vind Avontuur uit de oude doos die bij mijn opa op zolder staat (LOL)

Find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in Celtic Lore - Sidhe Hills Deluxe, a dazzling adventure based on ancient myths and folklore. People aren't allowed in the forest on Samhain night because of countless tales involving strange spirits and otherworldly creatures. Unfortunately for you, it was a necessary path to get to your destination and now your little brother has wandered off.
Download Celtic Lore - Sidhe Hills Deluxe and try it for free!

myth becomes reality in this amazing hidden object adventure
search for a missing brother in a world you only believed existed in legends
enlist the help of a grandmother's spirit to locate helpful items and solve puzzles
hear the wail of the banshee, visit the Gremlin mechanic, and feed the Dragoinette

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