<< x264HD X-art.com - Happy Birthday Capri!
X-art.com - Happy Birthday Capri!
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Category Image
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 5 Bytes
Website http://base64.derefer.me/?aHR0cDovL256YmluZGV4Lm5sL2Rvd25sb2FkLzg5NzcxOTI0LzI3Mzc0MC1GVUxMLWEuYi5lcm90aWNhLXhhcnQuMTMuMDUuMjQuY2Fwcmkua2llcmEuYW5kLnNjYXJsZXQuaGFwcHkuYmlydGhkYXkuY2FwcmktMDEzNy14YXJ0LjEzLjA1LjI0LmNhcHJpLmtpZXJhLmFuZC5zY2FybGV0LmhhcHB5LmJpcnRoZGF5LmNhcHIubnpi
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HD Video

Happy Birthday Capri! (And to me, my Birthday is this weekend ;-)

This is another kind of silly and fun video that I produced and directed (haha, so not X-Art style, but we had fun and I think it will be fun to watch for a Birthday party LOL)

Watch as Kiera and Scarlet sing Happy Birthday to their friend and then the two strippers (that the girls ordered bring in some champagne and the party really gets started.

Capri takes the directing position and starts telling everyone what she wants them to do for her birthday. Suck this, fuck that etc. etc....

It turns into a big hilarious orgy! Again, this one is not fully X-Art style (umm or at all really) but it's my Birthday this week, so let me have my fun ;-)

Hope you like it! And just have fun with it!

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