<< x264HD X-art.com - Seeing Double
X-art.com - Seeing Double
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Category Image
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.63 GB
Website http://x-art.com/videos/seeing_double/
Sender Sluwesjaak (ux7MYA)            
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Post Description

Addison and Gianna look so much alike you would almost think they were twins!

Imagine you are at a secluded villa with a panoramic view of the ocean, enjoying the warm day with your two look-alike lovers.

They take turns sucking your cock and letting you have your way with them however you desire.

But you can't tell which is which. Who's perfect pussy is that one? Which big eyes are looking up at you while you're in her mouth? Who's long dark hair is brushing against you. Which perfect ass are you squeezing?

It starts getting really confusing, you are "Seeing Double"!

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