<< WIN Lynda.com - Premiere Pro CC Essential Training
Lynda.com - Premiere Pro CC Essential Training
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Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 5 Bytes
Website http://base64.derefer.me/?aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uemJpbmRleC5ubC9kb3dubG9hZC85MjQ3OTA3Ni9seW5kYS5jb20uUHJlbWllcmUuUHJvLkNDLkVzc2VudGlhbC5UcmFpbmluZy5UVVRPUmlBTC1NQUdORVRSaVhYLTAyNDEtbWduLWxjcHJjZXQucGFyMi5uemI%3D
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Post Description

Meet Adobe Premiere Pro, and learn the skills necessary to professionally edit video. Abba Shapiro first introduces a "fast track" approach to Premiere that shows the entire import to output process in eight quick steps—ideal as an overview for new editors and a preview of the new features in CC that experienced users will want to see right off the bat. Then transition to the expanded workflow that begins with importing media, creating a basic rough edit, and then refining the cut with music and sound effects, transitions, visual effects, and titles. The course also includes information on exporting and archiving projects, as well as advice for becoming more efficient in Premiere with actions, keyboard shortcuts, and other workflow enhancing tricks.
Topics include:

Editing in Premiere Pro in eight steps
Customizing the window layout and the interface
Setting up a project and sequence
Importing media
Marking and selecting the best takes from clips
Editing clips into the Timeline
Trimming, splitting, moving, and deleting clips
Performing insert and overwrite edits
Advanced editing, such as 3-point editing, replace edits, and linking audio
Mixing audio
Performing roll and ripple edits
Applying transitions, effects, and filters
Changing speed
Creating titles, credit rolls, and lower thirds
Demonstrating multicam editing techniques
Exporting your final project

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