<< WIN Lynda.com - Dreamweaver with PHP and MySQL
Lynda.com - Dreamweaver with PHP and MySQL
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 761.36 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/Dreamweaver-CS5-tutorials/php-and-mysql/68620-2.html
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Join author David Gassner as he describes how to add dynamic data to a PHP-enabled web site in Adobe Dreamweaver. This intermediate course shows how to plan and create a MySQL database, define a PHP-enabled site in Dreamweaver, connect the site to the database, and manage and present dynamic data. David also explores Dreamweaver features such as PHP custom class introspection and site-specific code hinting as well as the differences between the CS5 and CS6 versions of the software.

This course was updated on 6/12/2012.
Topics include:

Understanding dynamic versus static content
Adding PHP commands to web pages
Setting and outputting variables
Using server-side includes
Creating PHP custom classes
Adding the Zend Framework to a PHP installation
Creating a MySQL database
Adding data in phpMyAdmin
Building recordsets
Formatting dynamic data
Building data entry forms
Authenticating users
Deploying a dynamic site

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