Post Description
In this final installment of Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One, Deke McClelland creates a total of seven 3D type effects from scratch. This project-based course shows how to create and modify 3D type, craft hand-drawn effects, and design complex character extrusions. The course also explains how to color-correct and post-process 3D type in Camera RAW. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
Smearing colors across letters
Creating drop-and-splatter effects
Tracing character outlines with smart filters
Rotating, positioning, and scaling words
Quickly (and accurately) masking 3D letters
Assigning complex, high-quality bevels
Matching 3D type to a photographic scene
Adding a crack to a grunge letter
Making a 3D pillow inflation
Simulating worn fabric with soft noise
Making blocky type using depth maps
Carving recessed type in a tree
Creating a sunken extrusion
Bending 3D text as a Smart Object
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