<< ePub America's next top model
America's next top model
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America's Next Top Model, Cycle 19 (also known as America's Next Top Model: College Edition) is the nineteenth season of America's Next Top Model and the thirteenth season to air on The CW. America's Next Top Model, Cycle 19 features thirteen new hopefuls, all of which are currently enrolled in higher education and it premiered on August 24, 2012.[1][2] Cycle 19 is set to air in a new timeslot, Fridays at 8 P.M.[3] Tyra Banks and Kelly Cutrone returned as judges for this cycle.
The international destination for this cycle is Kingston, Jamaica[4]. This is the second time the show has traveled to Jamaica (previously visited in Cycle 3).
The catch-phrase for this cycle is "Only One Can Be Top of the Class."

The show has undergone many major changes for this season. Most notably, judge and fashion photographer Nigel Barker, runway coach Miss J. Alexander, and photo shoot creative director Jay Manuel were dismissed from the show after the previous cycle in an attempt to revitalize the show. They were replaced by British model Rob Evans and Filipino fashion blogger Bryanboy. Johnny Wujek also joins the crew as the new creative director of photo shoots. Evans and Bryanboy join the judging panel with Banks and Cutrone, marking the return of four permanent judges since Cycle 12

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