Post Description
In Flash Professional Power Shortcuts, author Todd Perkins helps designers build their power user skills with an array of timesaving tips, tricks, and techniques that work in multiple versions of Flash Professional. Beginning with Todd's top 20 shortcuts, the course includes tips for designing and animating artwork, managing multiple libraries, writing and navigating through code, optimizing bitmaps and audio, and much more. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
Editing multiple frames
Finding and replacing content
Importing sequences of images
Enabling buttons and ActionScript without testing the movie
Creating custom shortcuts with the History panel
Animating with easing presets
Setting onion skinning and onion skinning outlines
Embedding fonts
Adding vars in a text field
Using code snippets and behaviors
Fixing coding errors
Limiting SWF file sizes
Optimizing Flash Player performance with a preloader
Additional Flash CS5.5 shortcuts
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