<< WIN Video2brain.com - Audition CS6: New Features Workshop
Video2brain.com - Audition CS6: New Features Workshop
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 450.89 MB
Website http://www.video2brain.com/en/courses/audition-cs6-new-features-workshop
Sender Sluwesjaak (UP617g)            
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Post Description

Adobe Audition CS6 has lots of new and enhanced features in many areas of the program, including expanded core functionality and some impressive new special effects and controls. In this course, Adobe Master Trainer Maxim Jago walks you through all of them, including pitch correction, the new spectral tonal display, support for hardware controllers, and automatic speech alignment. You'll also learn about changes to performance and the user interface, and how these can affect your workflow.

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