<< WIN Video2brain.com - Professional PHP, Volume 1
Video2brain.com - Professional PHP, Volume 1
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 90.85 MB
Website http://www.video2brain.com/en/courses/professional-php-volume-1
Sender Sluwesjaak (ux7MYA)            
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Post Description

To understand today's PHP frameworks, and to build code that is scalable, you need to understand the concepts of object-oriented programming. In this workshop, professional developer Edward Tanguay shows you the basics of object-oriented programming, introducing you to important concepts like classes, properties, methods, and inheritance. You'll also learn many other skills that are important in professional PHP programming, such as reading and writing to databases, using text files and XML files, and building web services. If you like, you can follow up this workshop with "Professional PHP, Volume 2: What's New in PHP 5.2/5.3 & Other Advanced Topics."

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