<< WIN Lynda.com - CSS Fundamentals
Lynda.com - CSS Fundamentals
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 908.43 MB
Website http://www.lynda.com/Web-Interactive-CSS-tutorials/CSS-Fundamentals/80436-2.html
Sender Sluwesjaak (UP617g)            
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Post Description

This course contains a high-level overview of Cascading Style Sheets, while exploring the basic concepts, terminology, and tools of the language. Beginning with an exploration of CSS syntax, author James Williamson explains how CSS modifies text, borders, backgrounds, and color; demonstrates CSS and HTML integration; and contextualizes the current state of CSS. The course also tours some of the most popular CSS editors and frameworks and lists online tools and resources for further study. This course is for people who want a big-picture overview before taking hands-on courses.
Topics include:

Understanding basic selector types
Integrating CSS with HTML
Examining browser rendering differences
Exploring CSS specifications
Checking browser support
Understanding the box model
Adjusting margins and padding
Positioning elements
Exploring basic layout concepts
Understanding media queries
Introducing CSS3
Using CSS Reset

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